Network and Security Assessments

ensure the security of your vital information

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Network and Security Assessments

Blink Systems' Network and Security assessments can uncover risks and alert our clients to potential problems with their IT infrastructure even before any work begins. Blink Systems' thorough network assessment collects all the data about assets, end-user activity and network configurations that could create security or productivity issues. We have extensive experience in assessing, designing, and building secured and compliant networks for a wide range of organizations.

Each report includes:

  • Full Network Assessment. This extensive report includes a line-item listing of everything discovered, conveniently organized by category, with potential issues highlighted in red.
  • Network Site Diagram. It produces a multi-layer visual diagram of the network structure, organized by type of asset. Each asset is displayed with basic identifying information and color-coded by its operational status.
  • Asset Detail Report. For each network scan, this report provides detailed information on individual assets. The report is ideal for cataloging and documenting the complete settings and configurations for individual workstations and servers.
  • External Vulnerabilities Summary. Your range of IP addresses is tested, and offers a summary of any security holes and warnings.
  • Change-Management Report. Compares the data from any two full network scans and only highlights what has changed. This discovers new devices, users, trends, and loss detection.

Our Security Assessment provides a deeper level scan and produces a specialty set of reports of security assessments.

The monthly reports include:

  • Network Security Risk Review. This report includes a proprietary Security Risk Score and chart showing the relative health (on a scale of 1 to 10) of the network security, along with a summary of the number of computers with issues. It also reports on outbound protocols, System Control protocols, User Access Controls, as well as an external vulnerabilities summary list.
  • Share Permission Report. Comprehensive lists of all network “shares” by computer, detailing which users and groups have access to which devices and files, and what level of access they have.
  • User Permissions Report. Organizes permissions by user, showing all shared computers and files to which they have access.
  • External Vulnerabilities Full Detail Report. A comprehensive output including security holes and warnings, informational items that can help make better network security decisions, plus a full NMap Scan which checks all 65,535 ports and reports which are open. This is an essential item for many standard security compliance reports.

Contact us now to have our engineers assess your network for any security and productivity issues.